Message to 30 Days Of Blogging Honesty And One Dare Fellow Bloggers

WOW — it’s already the the halfway mark of the challenge. It’s been fun reading everyone’s posts.

I just wanted you to know that I have been having problems with my laptop and Internet connection these pass couple of days. I have been reading your posts (of the sites that I am able to view), but I have not been able to comment on some of them. I love reading your answer(s) to the questions.

I’m about ready to throw something across the room, it’s driving me nuts! So hopefully I can figure out what’s wrong and leave comments. I am looking forward to the next half of the challenge!

Peace, Sylvia

30 Days Of Blogging Honesty — Day 16

Day 16 — I’ve just been granted the power of resurrection but I can only use it to bring back one dead celebrity. I would bring back ________ because…

Elvis Presley (the 1968 version of him) because he was the King of Rock n’ Roll! Yes, I can admit it proudly, I am an Elvis Presley fan! I’m sure there are more important celebrities out there that I could bring back. But Elvis is #1 on my list.

Elvis Presley (1968)

Elvis was the King of Rock n’ Roll and there has been no one like him since he died in 1977. I would like the version of him from 1968 to come back because (1) he was HOT back then and (2) I think that was the restart of his career and if he was headed in the right direction at that time, he could have become bigger and better than he was already.

Just imagine him being fit and healthy, playing sold-out shows in Las Vegas and around the world. New generations would become fans of him and his star would be even brighter!

But as I have always said, I think Elvis died at the right time. Imagine if he would have lived as he was and continued to perform shows, trying to be the star he once was? Forgetting words to his song. Trying to fit in the black leather outfits. That would be so sad.

But if he did come back, I would be one of the first to get a ticket to go see in him.




(As of 4.14.2012) From Tom Baker: The most up to date list available of participants: Cherlyn Cochrane, Emmmmerz, Miko, LJ, Melanie, Last Civilized Woman, Princesa Musang, Primadonna Zel, Caroline, Koi, Aurathena, Terriblethinker, Sleep and Salami, Marliz3e, Prysmatique, DLonelyStar, AnonymousBurn, Nicole, Sylvia Garza, Mariana, Nenskei, MyNakedBokkie, Bluefiadiarries, VeehCirra, Bannatreasures, Sajeev, Happyhippierose, TheFerkel, Tom Baker, *Sofia, *Everything Love & Lust, *TemptingSweets99, Sites with an * contain NSFW material. If erotic or sexual material is offensive to you, please do not visit these three blogs. Please check them out!