“The Rest of the Story”

I just read that broadcasting pioneer Paul Harvey dies at age of 90. I wasn’t a regular listener of Paul Harvey’s, but I remember listening to him when I would on a road trip. I liked the stories that he told and I especially like what he said at the end …”the rest of the story.”

Paul Harvey

CHICAGO (AP) – ABC Radio Networks says broadcasting pioneer Paul Harvey has died at the age of 90. Network spokesman Louis Adams says Harvey died Saturday at his winter home in Phoenix, surrounded by family. No cause of death was immediately available. Harvey was a news commentator and talk-radio pioneer whose staccato style made him one of the nation’s most familiar voices. He was forced off the air in 2001 because a virus weakened a vocal cord. But he returned to work in Chicago and was still active as he passed his 90th birthday. Known for his resonant voice and trademark delivery of “The Rest of the Story,” Harvey had been heard nationally since 1951, when he began his “News and Comment” for ABC Radio Networks.

Now this is COLD…

One of my favorite places that I have ever been to is Niagara Falls in the Canadian province of Ontario. And each time I have been there, I am amazed of the power and beauty of the falls.


The Niagara Falls are massive waterfalls on the Niagara River, straddling the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York. The falls are 17 miles (27 km) north-northwest of Buffalo, New York and 75 miles (120 km) south-southeast of Toronto, Ontario, between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, New York.

Niagara Falls is composed of two major sections separated by Goat Island: Horseshoe Falls, on the Canadian side of the border and American Falls on the American side. The smaller Bridal Veil Falls also is located on the American side, separated from the main falls by Luna Island. Niagara Falls were formed when glaciers receded at the end of the Wisconsin glaciation (the last ice age), and water from the newly-formed Great Lakes carved a path through the Niagara Escarpment en route to the Atlantic Ocean. While not exceptionally high, the Niagara Falls are very wide. More than six million cubic feet (168,000 m³) of water falls over the crest line every minute in high flow, and almost 4 million cubic feet (110,000 m³) on average. It is the most powerful waterfall in North America.

Check out these pictures of amazing pictures of Niagara Fall, almost 100 years old. Can you imagine walking on Niagara Falls like that?



I wonder how cold was it to freeze the falls like that??

What to blog about… Boo Berry Cereal

I was trying to think of something to blog about tonight and I was drawing a blank. Then all of a sudden I thought about Boo Berry cereal! Why, I have no idea?

Boo Berry CerealBoo Berry is a variety of the monster-themed high-sugar breakfast cereals produced by General Mills for the North American market. It contains blueberry-flavored corn cereal bits and marshmallows. Boo Berry is also the name of the cereal’s mascot, a blue ghost with a red bow-tie and a red-striped yellow hat, voiced by a Peter Lorre imitator.

Boo Berry was released in 1973, and is sometimes mistakenly thought to be discontinued. In reality, its distribution is just much lower and more sporadic than that of the flagship cereal Count Chocula. The best time of the year to find Boo Berry is around Halloween. Target and Walmart are among the US retail stores that have been known to carry this more scarce cereal during the month of October. It can also be found year-round in the Midwestern United States and Northeast at Super Wal-Mart, IGA Supermarkets as well as online at websites such as Amazon.com.

When I was a kid, my mom would not buy the “funny” cereals for us to eat, you know they ones:

And Boo Berry was definiatly on that list  — with words to describe it like high-sugar, blueberry-flavored and marshmallows… it would have never made it into the Garza household when I was growing up! 🙂 Just pass me the boring Cheerio …. pfffft!

Ice Cream



I love this Garfield. It reminds me of Eddie Murphy’s Delerious stand up routine.

**Warning** It is Eddie Murphy 🙂

Mardi Gras

mardi_gras_graphics_02One thing that is on my list of things to do is go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. The closest I’ve been to any kind of celebration in New Orleans was the French Quarter Festival in 1991. I had a great on Bourbon Street, drinking Hurricanes, eating crawfish and having a good time. I can imagine what Mardi Gras would be like.

So I “Googled” Mardi Gras to see what it really is:

The terms “Mardi Gras” (mär`dē grä) and “Mardi Gras season“,in English, refer to events of the Carnival celebrations, ending on the day before Ash Wednesday. From the French term “Mardi Gras” (literally “Fat Tuesday”), the term has come to mean the whole period of activity related to those events, beyond just the single day, often called Mardi Gras Day or Fat Tuesday. The season can be designated by the year, as in “Mardi Gras 2008”.

The time period varies from city to city, as some traditions consider Mardi Gras as the Carnival period between Epiphany or Twelfth Night and Ash Wednesday. Others treat the final three-day period as being Mardi Gras. In Mobile, Alabama, Mardi Gras events begin in November, followed by mystic society balls on Thanksgiving,then New Year’s Eve, formerly with parades on New Year’s Day, followed by parades and balls in January & February, celebrating up to midnight before Ash Wednesday.

Other cities most famous for their Mardi Gras celebrations include Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and New Orleans, Louisiana. Many other places have important Mardi Gras celebrations as well.

Carnival is an important celebration in most of Europe, except in Ireland and the United Kingdom where the festival is called “shrovetide” ending on Shrove Tuesday, and pancakes are the tradition, and also in many parts of Latin America and the Caribbean.

So I’ve marked my calendar and I am going to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. So until then… “Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez“!

Note: If your not able to make it to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, you can at least eat like you are there:

Check this site out…

I found this site from daily e-mails I get from: Cool Site of the Day.

loonapix_logo LoonaPix.com is a free photo editing online service. You can easy decorate your photo with a frame, trim it or just make it funny using LoonaPic effect. Another words, we can help you to make your photo funny and unique. And, notice, it is easy and free!

Share picture with your friends to get a good mood for a whole day.

How does it work?
Just 3 easy steps to get funny picture:
1) Select service.
2) Upload photo to the website.
3) Select effect and click ‘Save’.

Also, we provide you with a html-code, that you can easy put on your blog or profile at MySpace, Facebook, Orkut, Hi5 etc to share photo with whole world.

Here is a picture of my cousin’s Lisa and Mark kids, Han and Jack.


Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes To Jail


This past week, I heard someone that I work with talk about going to see the movie “Madea Goes to Jail” and how she couldn’t wait to go see it. I told her that I have not seen any of the Madea movies or anything by Tyler Perry. She was just saying how much she liked Madea and has seen all of the TV shows and movies. So that peaked my interest to think about going to see the movie that opened this weekend.

So on Saturday, I went the the theathers to see the movie. I didn’t know what to expect, I had only seen a couple of clips from the movie and those parts were pretty funny. So I went in there with an open minds and looking forward to seeing something new.

Well, I don’t want to say anything about the movie, but if the whole movie was about Madea, it would have been a better movie. But there was another storyline in the movie and seeing The Cosby Show’s Keshia Knight Pulliam play a prostitute named Candy was a little strange, I had flashbacks of little Rudy.

Now I am going to find more clips about Madea, to say the least, she’s a very interesting person.

Madea Goes to Jail is a 2009 crime comedy-drama film adaptation written and directed by Tyler Perry, which was inspired by Perry’s play of the same name. The film centers on Perry’s well-known character Mable “Madea” Simmons going to jail for her uncontrollable anger management problems

One m0re thing, if you do go see the movie, make sure you stay till the very end. There is a part with Madea and Dr. Phil that is really funny.

81st Annual Academy Awards®

The Oscar’s

Every year I watch the Oscar’s and get online to see who the winners are. Like years in the past, I try to pick the winners in the top categories: Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress and  Best Movie.

There are so many sites out there decicated to the Oscars, I thought I would share this one from one of my favorite sites: AllMyFavs.com:

The Oscars – And the Nominees are…

The Oscars – The 81st Academy Awards honoring the best in film for 2008 will be held on Sunday, February 22, 2009 at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood. Actor Hugh Jackman will be hosting the ceremony for the first time. Sunday is just a week ahead, so in the meantime I suggest you follow ABC.com’s “Road To The Oscars.” This ABC.com Oscars project will cover all Oscar related events including the parties that precede and follow this prime time event. Their daily show will feature daily news and updates, interviews, behind-the-scenes and prep footage. In addition to an insider’s look at what it takes to produce the biggest event in Hollywood, they will supply juicy interviews with this year’s nominees, host and producers. And now to the actual nominees and awards. Do you think you can nail down a winner? If you answered yes, prove it!  Take The Oscars Challenge – Predict the Winners. I haven’t seen all the nominee movies yet but I have a solid opinion about some of them: Actress in a Leading RoleAngelina Jolie in CHANGELING, Best Picture – SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE, Foreign Language FilmWaltz With Bashir. Best Director is quite challenging. What do you think?

I am looking forward to this year’s show because Hugh Jackman is hosting. I hope he does a great job so he can be back again to host the show.

One of my goals is to see all the nominee movies, I haven’t done that yet. But here are my picks for who I would like to see win:

Best Actor – Sean Penn for Milk

Best Actress – Kate Winslet for The Reader

Best Supporting Actor – Heath Ledger for The Dark Knight

Best Surpporting Actress – Amy Adams for Doubt

Best Movie –  Milk


If you’ve never seen the 2009 Independent Spirit Awards, you should.

The Independent Spirit Awards (originally known as the FINDIE or Friends of Independents Awards), founded in 1984, are awards dedicated to independent filmmakers.

They come on Saturday, February 21st (the night before the Oscar’s). It’s totally different than the Academy Awards, it’s fun to watch.

T-Mobile BlackBerry Pearl Flip “Butt Dialer”

Have you seen this commercial? The first time I saw it, I cracked up laughing.

T-Mobile Ad: A girl teaches her boyfriend a lesson for butt dialing her one too many times. Featuring the BlackBerry Pearl Flip from T-Mobile.

…”no more butt dialing. yayyy!”.

Found this article and thought it was pretty funny. I know I’m guilty of one or two of them.

‘Butt dialing’ and the nine new deadly sins of cell phone use

Thou shalt not use bad phone hygiene, take pictures at funerals or make untoward braggadocio

David Haskin

The new deadly sins

While the old cell phone sins still pertain, here are nine new deadly sins of mobile phone use and how to avoid committing them or becoming a victim.

1. Butt dialing

This sin is typically caused by people who don’t understand issues such as how the “dial last number called” feature can be accidentally triggered.

“It’s happened to me,” Pesci says. “It’s embarrassing.”

The recipient of a butt-dialed call typically hears background talk, the sound of clothes rustling or the contents of the purse jostling. However, there’s the potential for embarrassment if the butt-dialer happens to be talking about sensitive business or personal issues.

Avoid butt dialing by learning how to lock the keyboard of your phone.

2. Aisle clogging

This sin occurs when people are clamoring to get off an airplane and somebody stands in the aisle and is focused on making a call, checking for voice messages, looking at e-mail or sending a text message. The result: Everybody behind the person is forced to wait.

“I was on a plane and somebody insisted on immediately getting on her phone to call whoever was picking her up,” Winkler says. “‘We just landed,’ she said. ‘Now, they’ve just opened the door.’ Finally, a diplomatic man took her bag out of the overhead and handed it to her and she seemed to get the point.”

Grenny noted that variations of this sin can occur in any line, such as the line of a fast-food restaurant or a grocery checkout. “It’s absolute rudeness,” he says.

Avoid aisle clogging by making the business at hand your first priority. Once you are in the terminal or out of line, you can check your e-mail, make your calls or send text messages. It can wait that long. Really.

3. Untoward braggadocio

This often takes the form of two or more people loudly comparing their phones in public. And, as mobile devices shrink, it often takes the form of “mine is smaller than yours.” (Full disclosure: The author confesses to this particular sin.)

“It’s a guy thing,” Winkler laughs.

Grenny calls this sin “brandishing.” “You’ll see it on an airplane where one guy takes out his phone, and then his neighbor takes out his phone.”

Avoid untoward braggadocio by not doing it. Or at least doing it quietly.

4. Bad phone hygiene

There are two common manifestations of this problem. The first is lending a phone to someone and getting it back full of face-grease smudges. The second occurs when you lend your phone to somebody, who hands you it back to you and says something like, “I hope you don’t catch my cold.”

Avoid bad phone hygiene by being thoughtful and remembering that most phones have smooth surfaces that easily pick up smudges. And a little common courtesy, please, if you have a cold. Or be like Baker.

“I’m a germaphobe,” she says. “I just don’t lend my phone to others.”

5. Bad headset denial

It’s hardly a secret that it’s difficult to hear some cell phone calls. Sometimes, the problem is just a bad connection. Other times, though, a person’s headset is either poorly positioned so that it rubs against the person’s jaw, creating a lot of noise or is too far away from the mouth.

“When that happens, you get about 30% of the conversation,” Grenny says. You go, ‘Uh-huh,’ just to fake your participation in the conversation.”

The problem: Some people will deny vociferously that their headset is at fault. Avoid bad headset denial by taking the time to adjust your headset before blaming the other party for bad reception. Also, ask the person on the other end of the call whether he can hear you clearly.

6. Inappropriate headset use

One form of this sin is that some people speak loudly while using a small headset. The result is that the sinner appears to be talking to himself. The second manifestation is wearing your headset when it isn’t appropriate.

Those two issues can come together in public restrooms.

“All of a sudden, somebody says something in the bathroom and you know you’re the only other person in there,” Baker says. “It makes you wonder how important that call is if it couldn’t wait two minutes.”

“Guys will stand at a urinal and continue their conversation all the way through,” Grenny notes. “I always wonder if they’re really good friends with the person they’re talking with.”

Winkler has a simple tip to avoid this sin. “A headset is small and it’s easy to forget it’s on, but don’t wear it if you’re not talking on the phone,” she says.

7. Phone camera abuse

Because they are a potential security threat, many companies don’t allow use of cameras in their facilities and won’t buy camera phones for employees.

In public, though, camera phones turn everybody into potential paparazzi and can be a source of significant discourtesy. Grenny says that one respondent to his company’s survey on mobile phone abuse told of somebody taking a picture of the corpse at a funeral.

“People feel that if something happens in public, it’s fair game for their phone,” Grenny says. “But I’m not sure I want somebody taking a picture of my wife’s kiss at an airport when I’m leaving on a trip.”

Avoid phone camera abuse by remembering the general rule of thumb used by professional photographers: “If it’s not a public figure doing something in public, you have no right to snap photos unless you have permission,” Grenny says.

8. Crunchy calling: Eating and talking

This sin is similar to using your phone while in the bathroom in that it results in the person you are talking with hearing your body at work.

“People don’t understand that their chewing sounds are being heard so loudly,” Grenny says.

“Sometimes people ask if it’s OK to eat and talk, I’ve done that with friends,” Winkler says. “But half the time, I just hear crunching in my ear. Depending on my mood, I’ll let it go or sometimes I’ll ask, ‘Is that a potato chip you’re eating? What flavor is it?'”

Avoid eating and talking by, well, avoiding eating and talking. And if you’re the recipient of a crunchy call, let the caller politely know that you’d prefer to talk when he’s done eating.

9. Public speakerphoning

Sometimes, speaking obnoxiously loudly isn’t enough for cell phone sinners: They need you to hear both sides of the conversation, so they’ll put on their speakerphone in public. A related sin is loud, public push-to-talk sessions.

Grenny came across this sin most recently in the breakfast area of a motel. “Two guys were hunched over a phone and were yelling into it. They were having a fight with the other person about something, and they were vulgar and loud. This went on for 20 minutes, and not a single person said anything to them.”

Avoid public speakerphoning by only using the speakerphone on your cell phone when absolutely necessary, and only doing it in a private place.

Just say no

Being around others who are behaving inappropriately is always uncomfortable, but the consensus among those contacted for this article was that you have to do something.

“Public manners are shaped through public conversation,” Grenny says. “A lot of people are waiting for [cell phone] manners to catch up with other areas, and that won’t happen until people politely tell others when there’s a problem.”

The level of politeness required when confronting a cell phone miscreant is open to debate. Some think firmness is the best approach while others counsel avoiding confrontation. In any case, those who participated in this story agreed that unless loud-talkers, butt-dialers and other phone sinners are reminded of their actions, mobile phone annoyances will continue and increase.

David Haskin is a contributing editor specializing in mobile and wireless issues.

Kitchen Wisdom

I just love getting funny e-mails from my friends, here is one I just got.

Kitchen Wisdom

Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of an ice cream cone to prevent ice cream drips.

Just suck the ice cream out of the bottom of the cone, for Pete’s sake! You are probably lying on the couch with your feet up eating it anyway!

To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes.

Buy Hungry Jack mashed potato mix.  Keeps in the pantry for up to a year.

When a cake recipe calls for flouring the baking pan, use a bit of the dry cake mix instead and there won’t be any white mess on the outside of the cake.

Go to the bakery!  Hell, they’ll even decorate it for you!

If you accidentally over-salt a dish while it’s still cooking, drop in a peeled potato and it will absorb the excess salt for an instant ‘fix-me-up.’

If you over-salt a dish while you are cooking, that’s too bad. Please recite with me the real woman’s motto:  ‘I made it, you will eat it and I don’t care how bad it tastes!’

Wrap celery in aluminum foil when putting in the refrigerator and it will keep for weeks.

Celery?  Never heard of it!

Brush some beaten egg white over pie crust before baking to yield a beautiful glossy finish.

The Mrs. Smith frozen pie directions do not include brushing egg whites over the crust, so I don’t.

Cure for headaches:  take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead.  The throbbing will go away.

Take a lime, mix it with tequila, chill and drink!   All your pains go away!

If you have a problem opening jars, try using latex dish washing gloves. They give a non-slip grip that makes opening jars easy.

Go ask that very cute neighbor if he can open it for you.

Don’t throw out all that leftover wine.  Freeze into ice cubes for future use in casseroles and sauces.

Leftover wine???????????  HELLO!!!!!!!

Lastly, if you don’t forward this to 1 of your friends within the next 5 minutes your belly button will unscrew and your butt will fall off.

Really…. It’s true!  Have I ever lied to you?
Thanks, Kerry