Holy Cow, It’s going to be December!

Where has the year gone? I can’t believe it’s going to be December tomorrow! In some ways it feels like it’s gone be really fast and others it feels like it’s will never end!

I swear when I was young, time moved so slow. But after I graduated from high school, time just seems to fly by.

So my goal for December is to post in my blog, make an appointment to see the doctor, dentist and get new glasses. Let’s see if I can do all of this one the last four weeks of 2010!

Leslie Nielsen Dies

R.I.P. Leslie Nielsen

I will remember him from his role in  The Poseidon Adventure and the Airplane! movies.

Legendary funny man Leslie Nielsen died today of complications of pneumonia in a hospital near his home in Fort Lauderdale, this according to his agent. He was 84.

His agent tells TMZ Nielsen passed surrounded by his wife and friends at about 5:34 PM ET. (TMZ.com)

Rolling Stone Playlists

I was renewing my subscription to Rolling Stone magazine and found this on their website: Fifty Artists Pick Their Personal Top 10s.

Fifty top artists talk about the music they love the most: Rolling Stone reveals their playlists over five weeks, from Mick Jagger on the Blues to Drake on Jimi Hendrix.

I love playlists and I like adding them to my iPod. Here is a list from Annie Lennox.

“If you think of soul music as the black R&B style, well, that’s one brand. But all music is of the soul: As a singer, your voice expresses your soul. These are the songs that helped me find my own voice.”

I Say a Little Prayer” by Aretha Franklin, 1968

It’s transcendent. When I first heard this, I sang it over and over and couldn’t stop.

“I Close My Eyes and Count to Ten” by Dusty Springfield, 1968

Her voice had such subtle nuances.


“Close to You” by The Carpenters, 1970


Karen’s singing was so stylized but so natural.

“Do You Know the Way to San Jose” by Dionne Warwick, 1968

Dionne Warwick’s sound is like coffee with cream: smooth, but with an edge.

“Baby Love” by The Supremes, 1964

So uplifting, and their harmonies couldn’t be beat.

Dancing in the Streets” by Martha Reeves and the Vandellas, 1964

Like honey on a stick.

“Farewell to Tarwathie” by Judy Collins, 1970

It’s about hunting whales, and it’s chilling.

“Downtown” by Petula Clark, 1965

It makes downtown sound like a mythical wonderland.

“Anyone Who Had a Heart” by Cilla Black, 1964

“(There’s) Always Something There to Remind Me” by Sandie Shaw, 1964

Those choruses build up and just take off.

Out of all these songs, I think my favorites are “Close to You” and “I Say a Little Prayer”.

I’m going to be checking out the playlists that are added to the Rolling Stones website.

Weekend Wrap-up

Well, the end of the four-day weekend is coming to an end. It was a pretty good one.

I was around family for Thanksgiving and it made it a a little easier not having my mom here.

Then there was my road trip to Corpus Christi, Padre Island and Port Aransas. It was nice and sunny driving on the beach and nothing to do. I will need to do this again in a couple of months to regroup myself.

Sunday was a quite day. This afternoon we had our Thanksgiving dinner. We had my aunt over. It was OK, but I don’t know when I will ever feel the same about it without my mom here.

“The Wizard of Oz” was on, one of my favorite movies ever. Then there was a Hallmark movie, “November Christmas” on staring Sam Elliott and John Corbett… hubba hubba!! As with all Hallmark movies, I cried! But I think I cried more at the Hallmark commercials! They get me every time. Thank goodness the next Hallmark movie is not until February.

Also on TV tonight was ” The Walking Dead”. I keep coming back to watch this show. There is something about it that keeps my want to watch more. I’m even thinking about reading the comic book it’s based on.

I am on a mission to collect license plates from all 50 States for my dad. He started collecting them and has about 12-15 States so far. Let see how far I can get by Christmas.

I found some old friends on Facebook. I think I have found like 10 people that I grew up with on the street we lived on in Flint, Michigan. I have loved finding old friends on this site.

Wondering what this upcoming week has in store.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Road Trip

Today I am taking my annual (as of last year) road trip to Corpus Christi, Padre Island and Port Aransas, Texas.

This is the third time that I have taken this road trip. The first was in January or February of 2008. It was my first time at the coast and seeing the Gulf of Mexico. I had blast. It was the first time that I drove on the beach too! I stopped at this dive of a restaurant on the beach called the Beach Lodge. I had the Texas Seafood Boil. I spent the whole day there just drving up and down the beach.

The second time I went there was with my cousins, Becky, Jasmine and Camryn when they came down for a visit last year. Our road trip was the Saturday after Thanksgiving and it was a beautiful sunny November day. First we went to Padre Island and drove on the beach to Port Aransas, And we had dinner at the Beach Lodge. It was another great road trip to the coast.

This road trip is the first time I have gotten away for a weekend since my mom died in January. I just felt the need to get away from my regular routine at home. The drive down was good. It was sunny and in the mid-50’s. I drove through downtown Corpus Christi, along the Shoreline Drive. There were some very nice houses along the coast. I finally saw the tribute to Selena that is near the marina.

Like my past road trips, I had dinner, the Texas Seafood Boil at the Beach Lodge. I decided to spend the night in Port Aransas so I can spend most of Saturday morning/afternoon driving on the beach. It’s suppose to be in the 70’s and sunny, so its going to be a great day to be driving on the beach.

I love it when I come to Corpus Christi, Padre Island and Port Aransas. The time alone gives my time to think and sort things out. I’m looking forward to the sights that I’m going to see on Saturday. Nothing but the wind, sun and the waves of the Gulf of Mexico.

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope everyone had good Thanksgiving.

Saw this and thought it was interesting.


The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, to commemorate the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony after a harsh winter. In that year Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving. The colonists celebrated it as a traditional English harvest feast, to which they invited the local Wampanoag Indians.


During the mid-1800s, poet and editor Sarah J. Hale began lobbying for a national Thanksgiving holiday. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln gave his Thanksgiving Proclamation, declaring the last Thursday in November a day of thanksgiving.


At one time, the turkey and the bald eagle were each considered as the national symbol of America. Benjamin Franklin was one of those who argued passionately on behalf of the turkey. Franklin felt the turkey, although “vain and silly”, was a better choice than the bald eagle, whom he felt was “a coward”.

Mom’s Green Jell-O

As long as I can remember my mom made her Green Jell-0 for Thanksgiving. This will be our first Thanksgiving without her here with us. So I wanted to keep the tradition alive and try to make it.

The first problem I encountered was, I failed to pay attention to my mom whenever she made it. I knew all the ingredients that were in the green jell-o, but not how to make it.

Second, I thought I could Google it and I could find it. Well, what I found was hundred of thousand of green jell-o salads. But none where my mom’s.

So then I texted my sister, Cynthia and she had her old recipe card she made in 1994 of our mom’s Green Jell-O! I was so happy that she took the time to write down our mom’s recipe!

So tonight, I made the green jell-o. It looked and smelled like when my mom made it. The real test is how it tastes! Hopefully I did my mom proud and it half as good as hers.

Here’s my my recipe for her Green Jell-O… Desert? Salad? Whatever it’s called. All I know it is good and it reminds me of my mom.

Thanks to my sister for the recipe.

I love you mom and miss you more than I can say!

Mom’s Green Jell-O

1 big box or 2 little boxes green jell-o
add 1 cup boiling water. Stir for 2 minutes.

Mix in one 8 oz package cream cheese – break into small bits.

Drain juice from one can of crushed pineapple – save juice and combine with 7-Up to make 2 1/2 cups.

Add to jell-o mixture.

Add 1/2 chopped pecans (or more 🙂 and mix well. Chill until firm.

Dr. Oz’s 7 Secrets to Stay Cold-Free All Winter Long

I got found this in my daily newsletters from Oprah.com. I thought I would pass it along.

I work in a building that use to be a Super K-Mart with over 250 people and I am convinced that there are a ton of germs flying through the air.

So good luck in staying cold-free this season!

Dr. Oz’s 7 Secrets to Stay Cold-Free All Winter Long

Oprah.com | November 15, 2010

Mehmet Oz, MD, shares his secrets for beating winter bugs.

Every year I dread cold and flu season—not just because I hate feeling sick but because, like most of you, I’m already spread thin between work and family responsibilities; being stuck in bed for days just isn’t an option. Luckily, over the years, I’ve picked up a few scientifically proven tricks that have helped me stay healthy when the mercury drops.

Have H2O in Flight
Canadian researchers have found that air passengers are over 100 times more likely to get a cold than those who travel by bus, train, or subway. My rule for holiday air travel: Hydrate. The plane’s dry air can sap moisture from the lining of your nasal passages, creating tiny cracks that make you susceptible to infection. Water can help moisten those membranes.

Forget Echinacea
There’s actually no conclusive research proving echinacea to be effective against the common cold. What do I take instead? Vitamin D. Studies have found that D can stimulate the production of a virus-killing protein, and taking D supplements (aim for 2,000 IU a day) can lead to fewer viral infections.

Brave the Cold
No matter how low the temperature, I take a brisk walk every day. Exercise boosts the circulation of immune cells throughout the body, and research shows that walking 30 to 45 minutes a day, five days a week in winter can cut your sick days in half.

Warm Up with Tea
New research from the University of Michigan supports the growing body of evidence that the antioxidant quercetin may protect against infection by preventing viruses from replicating. Black and green teas are packed with quercetin, so sip a hot cup once a day.

Avoid Antibiotics
These drugs are not only ineffective against the flu—which is caused by a virus, not by bacteria—but can lead to adverse effects like upset stomach, diarrhea, and even yeast infections. If you get the flu, ask your doctor for an antiviral drug such as Tamiflu. But act fast—studies have found that these drugs work best within 48 hours of the first symptoms.

Dodge Germs
Flu viruses can survive on surfaces for over two hours, but you can’t wash your hands 24-7—so when is it most important to scrub up? Scientists from the University of Virginia recently pinpointed the areas of your home most likely to harbor germs: refrigerator handles, remote controls, and doorknobs.

Enjoy a Comfort Food
Chicken soup really can treat a cold. The hot vapor expands your airways, which helps to clear mucus from the nasal cavity. Plus, University of Nebraska researchers found that chicken soup has an anti-inflammatory effect that may soothe a sore throat.

Monday Random Thoughts

OK, I said that I was going to boycott Dancing with the Stars after last weeks show. Well… I half way boycotted watching the show. I was flipping the channels watching other stuff too. I’m still disappointed in this season’s show. It wasn’t one of their best. The best song of the night — “Tootsee Roll“—69 Boyz.

Then after DWTS, I watched a little of Skating with the Stars. I was flipping back and forth with the Food Network while this show what on. I don’t think Iwill be watching this show again. And considering I missed the beginning and the best part, the theme song to Hawaii Five-0!!

Thinking about taking a road trip to Port Aransas, Texas this weekend. I went there with my cousins last year and it was beautiful. I need to get away from it for awhile.

NASCAR end on Sunday and Jimmie Johnson is the champion once again for the 5th time. I’m not a big fan of his and I wish someone else would have won. I can’t believe that I am such a fan of NASCAR.

Was I dreaming or did I see a commercial for Cheeseburger Doritos? Those don’t sound good to me at all!!

OMG — did you see NKOTBSB (for the older people New Kids on the Block and The Backstreet Boys) on the American Music Awards Sunday?I have always loved Jordan Knight and Joey McIntyre. It’s hard to believe that they are almost 40 years old still singing “Please Don’t Go Girl” and “You Got It (The Right Stuff)” and my old-time favorite — “Step by Step“.

I told my friend, Rita, if I every win the lotto, we are going to be at one of their concerts… front row!! From my mouth to God’s ear!!

Holy Moly!! Did you see that I am almost to 500,000 hits??!! I am in shock that 1) I have that many hits and 2) there are people out there who read my blog!! THANKS to all of you and special thanks to Tom for all of your nice comments!

That’s all I have for tonight. Have a great Tuesday!


Weekly Random Thoughts

Well, once again I am slacking in my daily blog postings. So here are my weekly (bi-weekly or semi-monthly) random thoughts.

It’s not fair… There is this person I know that seems to be the luckiest person in the world. This person gets away with things that I would I would get caught doing. This person gets the skinny on what’s going on because they get buddy-buddy with their supervisors. When I have to work and struggle doing something, this person gets things handed to them on a silver platter… grrrr!!

I can’t believe how many stupid drivers are on the road talking or texting while driving. What is it going to take for people to stop doing that? It would be different if they caused an accident and only hurt themselves. But sometimes they hurt other people.

I got an apple pie the other day, should have gotten a cherry pie.

Sure do miss the Fall colors in Michigan. In South Texas, there are only two colors… green and brown.

What do you think of “Skating with the Stars”? I’m probably going to watch the first couple of shows.

Which one do you like better… Heath bar or Skor bar? I think I like Skor bar better.

OK, that’s all I have for right now. My plan is to post something every day next week. Let see how that goes?

Make it a great day!