R.I.P. Lupe Martinez

Yesterday, my Tia (Aunt) Lupe Martinez died after being in poor health these past couple of years. As long as I have been alive, I’ve always called her by her name, Lupe. Not Tia or Aunt. Just by her first name.


She was my dad’s sister and is the third one of his siblings that have passed away out of 10.

Since moving down to Texas eight years ago, I was able to spend time with her. She was an amazing person. The things that she had gone through was enough for four people’s lifetimes. How she managed to stay alive with all the heartbreak and health problems is truly amazing.

First, she loses her son, Willie to cancer. Then she loses another son, Franky. Then, last year, she lost her third son, Tudy. In between all of that, she lost both her parents (my grandparents) and her husband, Fernando. And then there were her health problems. I’m sure her medical files were as big as my mother’s file were.

I am sad that she is no longer with us, but I know that she is in a better place. A place with her sons and husband; pain-free and happy, really happy for the first time in a long time. I can see her being her loud, lively self again and catching up with family, friends and my mom on what’s been going on.

R.I.P. Lupe, you will be missed!
