Random Saved Downloads

Here are some random downloads that I have saved recently.

Random Screenshots/Downloads

Haven’t posted in a while. Too many things spinning in my head.

So I thought I would post a few random screenshots/downloaded I have. You never know when you might have to use them.

Random Downloads

OK, I’ve already admitted that I am a hoarder of pictures. I have 1000’s of them on my phone.

But I am also a hoarder of any quote, saying, funny or cute picture I may want to use in the future.

Here are some that I have in my collection to use one day. And yes, I will use them… eventually.

I don’t remember why I downloaded Snoop Dog??

OK, maybe just eye candy for me.

I’m going to make these… no I’m not!

Happy Mother’s Day in Heaven

Happy Mother’s Day on Heaven

If I can be half the woman she was, then I would be happy. I miss her more than I can ever say.

I love you Mom and miss you so much. ❤

If Roses Grow in Heaven

If Roses grow in Heaven

Lord, please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my Mother’s arms
and tell her they’re from me.

Tell her that I love her and miss her,
and when she turns to smile,
place a kiss upon her cheek
and hold her for a while.

Because remembering her is easy,
I do it every day,
but there’s an ache within my heart
that will never go away.

– Unknown Author

My mom loved Simon & Garfunkel.

Love this song and I’m playing it for her.

May 2019

Hard to believe it’s already May? Why is the year going by so quickly?

I saw this and thought it was a great way to start the month off.

Make it a great day… month.

It’s Been A While

I’ve been neglecting my blog these past couple of months.

I need to get back to posting things that have been going on in my life.

Heaven knows there has been some crazy stuff going on in my life.

So I will be making a point to get back to posting on my blog.

Here are some sayings that I’ve saved because they meant something to me.

Make it a great day.


I’ve been slacking on my posts to my blog. Life just seem to take over and I don’t make the time to post.

Here are some of the signs I have seen lately that I needed to read.

March 2019

Starting off the month with a new attitude.

Make it a great day.

Thought of the Day

Life has been a rollercoaster lately.

Really needed this sign today.

Make it a great day.

Lessons Learned

Overall 2018 has been a great year. With the exception of one hard learned lesson on love and trust. It’s been tough, but I learned a lot from it and moving forward to What’s Next.